To be able to pass the national registry exam at any level, you must have the three keys to success.
The first key to success is knowledge. Knowledge means that you must have the knowledge necessary to pass the exam. The national registry wants to ensure that you not only learned everything you were supposed to and your initial EMS education program, but that you also are retaining that information. For example, if you did not learn about paradoxical motion and you got a question involving paradoxical motion on the test, you will not be successful at answering that question. If this happens often you will fail the exam due to a lack of knowledge.
The second key you need to be successful is critical thinking capabilities that allow you to breakdown questions and understand them. This is often referred to as question comprehension, for your ability to comprehend what the question is asking for so that you know what to choose as the right answer. If you miss details in a question or misinterpret what a question is asking for you will likely choose the wrong answer. Similarly with knowledge, if this happens frequently you will then fail the exam due to your inability to use your critical thinking skills and breakdown the questions.
The third key you need is the psychological key. You must be able to stay calm and confident during your test. If you cannot stay calm and confident you will likely become anxious and begin to second guess yourself. If this happens throughout the entirety of the test you will likely not be successful.
To summarize, you must have the knowledge necessary to pass the exam, be able to break down questions and understand what they are asking, and finally be able to stay calm and confident throughout the entirety of the test to ensure your success. Here at How To NREMT, we teach you how to improve your knowledge, improve your critical thinking and question comprehension capabilities, and how to stay calm and confident throughout the entirety of your exam.