• Master Class Videos

    Learn everything you need to know about the exam and how to pass on your first attempt.

  • Practice App

    Practice 2,000+ questions that mirror the actual NREMT questions.

  • NREMT Exam Simulator

    The NREMT exam simulator will score your exam out of 1500 just like the real one.

  • 101 Tips & Tricks Video

    Free with any membership. 2 hours of pure tips & tricks. Our most popular video!

  • Anatomy & Physiology Review

    A comprehensive A&P review course that includes every EMS essential A&P topic.

  • Training Documents

    All the training documents you need, such as a vital sign sheet, study guides, tips & tricks, etc.

  • Group Coaching Sessions

    That's right, unlimited access to live group coaching sessions held via Zoom.

  • TEI Course

    Learn about the NREMT's NEW Technology Enhanced Items. Drag & Drop, Build List, etc.

Are your questions like the NREMT's?

Yes, our questions are nearly identical to the NREMT's. Our customers consistently praise the similarity of our questions to the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) exam.

How many questions will I get and do they include rationale?

You will get 2000+ practice questions with new questions added every month. Nearly all of the questions give an in-depth rationale. The questions in the NREMT simulator and final exam do not, as they mimic the actual NREMT exam.

Do you have an app in the IOS and Android store?

Yes, you can download our app in the IOS and Android store. This will allow you to use your prep materials anytime, anywhere.

Are there hidden fees?

No, there are no hidden fees. We never upcharge for any of our training content (not even new content).

What is the "Am I Ready To Test?" checklist?

The "Am I Ready To Test?" checklist is a checklist included in all memberships. The checklist helps you identify when you are ready. 100% of our members who have successfully completed the checklist passed their NREMT exam on their first/next attempt after completing the checklist.

What if I can't pass my exam?

If you cannot pass your NREMT exam after using your membership content we will offer you a refund. We make it Stress-free/hassle-free.

Download Our App Today!

Access your training content at any time and from anywhere through our App!