How It Works Video
Watch the "How It Works video" to see why our training content is the best in the nation.
Pass the NREMT Exam with Our 10-Step Program below:

10-Step Training Plan & Tracker
Use your "10-Step Training Plan Tracker" to keep track of your progress throughout your preparation.

You Will Learn
If you take full advantage of what we have to offer, you will learn the following and more:
- Hundreds of valuable tips and tricks to help you pass
- How the NREMT cognitive exam works
- How the NREMT cognitive exam is scored
- How many possible questions there are
- How to break down questions so they are easy to understand
- How to find the clues in the question that give you the answers
- The different types of questions you may encounter on the test
- How to prepare the day before, night before, and day of
- Tools to access on the test (calculator, writing materials, etc.)
- How much time you get to take the test
- How to stay calm and focused during the test
- What a Computer Adaptive Tests (CAT) is
- What the minimum passing standard is
- What pilot questions are and how they work
- So Much More!