Pass the NREMT Exam with Our 10-Step Program below:

10-Step Training Plan & Tracker

Use your "10-Step Training Plan Tracker" to keep track of your progress throughout your preparation.

Step 1

Watch all of the Masterclass Videos

Learn everything you need to know about the exam and how to pass on your First Attempt/Next Attempt.

Step 2

Study & Master all of the Flashcards

No need to make your own when we have made all the essential ones for you. You have access to over 1,900 essential flashcards!

Step 3

Review your Anatomy & Physiology Knowledge

Completed using your comprehensive A&P review course that includes every EMS essential A&P topic. This course also includes a "Basic A&P Readiness Assessment Test".

Step 4

Practice the Practice Questions in your “Practice App”

Practice 2,000+ questions that mirror the actual NREMT questions.

Step 5

Review your Study Guide(s) & Other Training Documents

Review the "Training Documents", such as a vital sign sheet, study guides, must-know drugs list, tips & tricks, and more.

Step 6

Watch the 101 Final Tips & Tricks Video

Nearly 2 hours of pure tips & tricks. A highly popular video!

Step 7

Take & Pass 3 Consecutive Final Exams

Take a few final exams to ensure you are ready for the next step.

Step 8

Learn about & Practice the NREMT's NEW TEIs

Learn about the NREMT's NEW Technology Enhanced Items: Drag & Drop, Build List, Clinical Judgment Scenarios, etc.

Step 9

Take the NREMT Exam Simulator

The "NREMT Exam Simulator" will score your exam out of 1500, just like the real one.

Step 10

Complete the “Am I Ready to Test” Checklist, & then Take & Pass your NREMT Exam

Complete the checklist, schedule your exam, take and pass it, and start your career as an EMS responder.